Final Piece - What Am I? (2)

Besides having my prints as final pieces I should also mention everything that inspires me and how it does that, relate to other artists. Here is a small compilation of quotes and reflections on the subject:

"I don't usually respond to the message. I often work against it. Mostly I'm going to work visually, so the style of the lettering is considering form over content. Blasphemy, I know."  - Marian Bantjes, Varoom Issue 09

"I believe that illustrations are at their best essentially a narrative art form, a universal language in which we communicate our stories, ideas, moods, feelings... I believe nowadays the illustrator is not seen as the poor cousin in the visual arts any longer. But only a few years ago we used to be regarded that way. Maybe that happened because of the nature of our work: we have to create art under certain constraints such as deadlines, a client who needs to be satisfied, targets and some specific communication goals need to be addressed... Most of all, our work is meant to reach a great number of people through technical reproduction." - Renato Alarcao, Meet the Illustrators

"Well as with so many specialisms there are different classifications within. So I guess I see illustration as the visualisation of a story/idea/thought whether that be a newspaper article or a self initiated project, it is about trying to communicate in a visual form." - Emma Kelly, Meet the Illustrators

"Design was promoted to the front line of commercial life: professionalized and strategized, it took ownership of identity and branding within the corporate world... Illustration, on the other hand, clung into the notion of autonomy of expression and refused to learn the language of strategy and branding." Adrian Shaughnessy, Schism and Reunification

"It's a tendency that comes and goes, like Art Nouveau and Pop Art. It's a part of life that will never disappear." - Ephameron, Meet the Illustrators

"The notion of groups of illustrators collaborating on one commission and forming a collective, is a growing trend." - Lydia Fulton, Varoom Issue 6

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